1280 X 728 update

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Sat May 30 01:28:06 UTC 2009

On 05/26/2009 06:20 AM, Derek Broughton wrote:
> Dennis wrote:
>> thank for the help so far, I just can't seem to solve 1280 x 768 which
>> is max on my laptop Radeon 600.
> Are you _really_ sure you want 1280x768?  It's an odd size (and the fact 
> that the subject says 728 doesn't help...).
> 16:10 is 1280x800
> 1280x768 is only 5:3 - not a normal ratio.

Hmmm.... I just backed a test system down to hardy (from jaunty to
intrepid to hardy) for testing purposes. The first thing that I always
need to do is set the screen resolution; what do you know, I show:

1280 x 960
1280 x 800
1280 x 768
So I set it for 1280 x 768 & it worked just fine. Granted, it's not the
right resolution for my screen, but the point is that the option is
available in hardy (I'll test in jaunty on the same machine later).

Current video card on that machine is an old ATI:
*-display UNCLAIMED
                description: VGA compatible controller
                product: Rage 128 Pro Ultra TF
                vendor: ATI Technologies Inc

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