PDF Editor in Ubuntu

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Fri May 29 18:56:09 UTC 2009

On 05/28/2009 12:16 AM, Reeyarn wrote:
> Hello guys,
> is there a basic pdf editor in ubuntu?
> I'm reading some e-books and wants to highlight some sentences (or
> mark with underlines) in pdfs,
> anyone could suggest a good pdf editor or reader?

Duh... I forgot that I even have this installed because it didn't add a
menu in the standard locations (it puts it in Accessories instead of
Graphics or Office):


Open up the PDF & you can annotate, highlight, underline, add pages,
delete pages, etc. You can then save the file as an xoj or export back
to pdf.

Very few reported bugs:

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