Jaunty Server and XEN or KVM

Niels Jende mylists1 at web.de
Thu May 28 17:33:22 UTC 2009

Hi Brian,
> Perhaps you should try typing Ubuntu KVM Howto in google...  The first
> result is very good and even contains a further link the the official
> documentation.  Several others there are helpful too.

well, you won't believe it, but I have used $searchengine and I had the hope to find a HowTo explaining me how to set up either a KVM Server or a Xen Server based on Jaunty.
I have, for sure, seen all the HowTo's for feisty and Hardy. But on Jaunty they don't work. At least not here. If they would've - I wouldn't have asked for help on the list.
> Please, try and do a bit of research instead of asking us to do that for you.
> If you have tried, and failed, then by all means tell us what went wrong.

well for Xen I have even found the information that I should have a dual boot system installed (hardy and Jaunty) to deploy Xen from Hardy to jaunty, which isn't a go for me. 
I also found some other HowTo's such as this one http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_xen_setup_debian_ubuntu  which is quite outdated and wont help on Jaunty.
Then I thought I should give KVM a go. no success as by now either.

If I say, after I have all requirements installed, virsh -c qemu:/// system list
I am not getting the expected result. I do get instead

root at xen-server:~# virsh -c qemu:///system list
virsh: error while loading shared libraries: libxenstore.so.3.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

> The second third and fourth links on the
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailingListFAQs
> page will help you as well.

They haven't as yet. Otherwise I wouldn't have asked...Sorry!
> Brian

Thanks in advance
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