Tracker error while performing indexing: Index corrupted

NoOp glgxg at
Wed May 27 20:57:53 UTC 2009

On 05/26/2009 11:09 PM, Rick Berger wrote:
> Hi,
> I just upgraded to 9.04 and I'm getting the following error/warning(?)
> message from the Tracker Applet: 
>     there was an error while performing indexing: 
>     Index corrupted 
> The options buttons presented "Reindex all contents", "Cancel", and
> "OK", all just bring you back to the same message over and over again.
> To stop it I've just been stopping or ending the tracker-indexer
> processes. What other options are available? 
> Rick

Well... some would say 'sudo apt-get purge tracker' including me :-) But
you might first have a look at:


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