Wcid Program problems

Robert Holtzman holtzm at cox.net
Tue May 26 23:05:37 UTC 2009

On Tue, 26 May 2009, Karl F. Larsen wrote:


> Robert Holtzman wrote:

>> Of course it is. It's also so trivial that no forum, wiki, HOWTO or man
>> page that I could find feels it necessary to mention it. After going
>> *way* back in the Ubuntu and Debian archives I failed to find anyone who
>> had trouble figuring this out. No one required spoon feeding to that
>> extent (disclaimer: due to the late hour and fatigue I may have missed
>> some, but if so they were damned few).
>> Tell me, boychick, why only you?
>    Well my mother, not like yours knew nothing about this problem so
> she never told me be sure to leave the panel un-closed while you d/l the
> key. That is why the part of the Ubuntu instructions covering this part
> are done in dark letters. So guys like you can, if only you knew how to
> read, learn something.

I can read well enough to tell my reply had to do with your "tiny arrow" 
problem, not the verification key. Like I said, the key (not the pgp 
key) is reading.

Bob Holtzman
AF9D 8760 0CFA F95A 6C77  E125 BF90 580F 8D54 9279
"If you think you're getting free lunch,
  check the price of the beer"

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