router security

NoOp glgxg at
Mon May 25 02:33:36 UTC 2009

On 05/24/2009 06:54 PM, Rashkae wrote:
> NoOp wrote:
>> If you are using the Ubuntu supplied network manager on your wireless
>> machines, I seriously recommend having a look at installing wicd (see
>> the threads):
>> particularly if you wish to enable a fixed IP address while using your
>> home lan/network.
> I recently had a opportunity to test this myself on a fresh install of
> Jaunty.  While I've repeated the same advice a few times myself based on
> Hardy experience, the problems Network manager has with static Ip
> configuration appear to be well and truly things of the distant past.
> And indeed, without those configuration snarls, Network manager is
> living up to it's promise as a smoother solution to work with, (as
> opposed to Wicd's habit of constantly being unresponsive while
> refreshing wireless network list.)  By all means, Wicd is a great
> package to experiment with, but unless you are having some kind of
> problem with Network manager that is causing you grief, I no longer
> think it's a good idea to suggest blanket replacement.

I reckon that it has improved. However in my experiments of converting
back and forth between hardy & jaunty (while keeping the /home directory
intact), whenever I'd install the base jaunty I had considerably more
trouble figuring out how to set a fixed IP period. To me NM in jaunty is
two giant leaps back from hardy where it was very easy to set a fixed IP
(at least for a wired connection).

In hardy, it was click, click the tab, enter the fixed IP and go.
  In jaunty it seems that you need to wave the magic stick three times,
figure out how to to set a new interface, muddle through the added tabs,
hope you get the settings right, wave the magic stick three more times
(counter clockwise this time), and go for it. If that doesn't work,
wash, rinse, repeat.
  Had to go through this last night on the test machine; came up as
dhcp, spent too long trying to figure out how to simply set a fixed
wired IP, and instead installed wicd & had the fixed IP running &
working in less than two minutes.

For my money I'll go with wicd out of the gate in all except testing
situations. NM (IMO) has pretty much been a PITA from day one, and the
recent changes (again IMO) have simply made it worse. The moniker:
"Pain-Free Networking" ( has
always blown my mind...

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