Binary incompatibility of Linux distributions
Florian Diesch
diesch at
Mon May 25 00:48:46 UTC 2009
marc <gmane at> wrote:
> Franz Waldmüller said:
>> marc schrieb:
>> > I run kde, mainly. A few days ago I noticed that when I run nautilus
>> > in
>>> kde, and then delete the app, it creates a background task, x-nautilus-
>>> desktop - and leaves it there. This is what I consider bloat. It also
>>> happens that this bg task causes enormous slowdowns to kde and some
>>> ugly side effects.
>> try to modify your starter. use this command: nautilus --no-desktop
> But what happens when nautilus is called from krunner? I can't expect all
> kde users to do this all the time, and a change can't be made at the
> system level, as these are multiuser machines. So, this isn't a fix.
Change /apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop in gconf
> The thing is completely broken in a multiuser system, imo. This should be
> fixed. It's a bug. And a nasty one.
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