xspf - audicious - won't play playlist

anthony baldwin photodharma at gmail.com
Thu May 21 15:06:38 UTC 2009

Michael Casey wrote:
> so if I want to generate an m3u file, what also makes correct m3u for 
> the subdirectories:
> for DIRNAME in $(find . -type d); do cd $DIRNAME; find . -maxdepth 1 
> -name "*.mp3" -type f > "Playlist_${PWD##*/}".m3u; done
> Thats working.
> But: What happends when the folder "can not be accessed with a cd 
> command", eg.: it has spaces in the name:

You can cd to some dir with spaces in name
cd "some dir with spaces in name"
You just have to use quotes.
Then again, I try to remove spaces from all dir and file names.
I use
rename 's/ /_/g' *
to remove all spaces in file and dir names.
Then I don't have to use quotes, and automating stuff with scripts is 
much easier.

I also try to keep dir names short.
I would have

or something....much simpler...
When I grip a cd or something, I remove spaces and rename dirs 
accordingly, right away, to simplify such matters in the future.
I believe most rippers (I like grip) allow for replacing spaces with _ 
in filenames during ripping operations, anyway.

Of course, much of this would be unnecessary if Audacious simply had the
"play directory" option that good old XMMS had.  You could just choose 
the dir to play.

For that, I sometimes do
find . -type f | mplayer -playlist - -shuffle -loop 0

This will play a dir & subdirs, shuffle, rinse and repeat, using mplayer.
Of course, I also DLed and installed XMMS from source.  XMMS is still 
the best, simplest to use audio player, IMHO.  I want to listen to my 
tunes with the player.  I don't need it to "manage my library".  I do 
that quite well on my own, thanks, all neatly filed away according to 
genre, artist album, much like
etc., etc.

good luck,

> $ cd ./Queen [1973-1995]/1989 - The Miracle
> $ bash: cd: ./Queen: No such file or directory
> $ cd Queen\ \[1973-1995\]/1989\ -\ The\ Miracle/
> ok
> How can I convert with "\"?
> Thank you


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