xspf - audicious - won't play playlist

Michael Casey michaelcasey73 at gmail.com
Thu May 21 14:08:10 UTC 2009

so if I want to generate an m3u file, what also makes correct m3u for the

for DIRNAME in $(find . -type d); do cd $DIRNAME; find . -maxdepth 1 -name
"*.mp3" -type f > "Playlist_${PWD##*/}".m3u; done

Thats working.
But: What happends when the folder "can not be accessed with a cd command",
eg.: it has spaces in the name:

$ cd ./Queen [1973-1995]/1989 - The Miracle
$ bash: cd: ./Queen: No such file or directory

$ cd Queen\ \[1973-1995\]/1989\ -\ The\ Miracle/

How can I convert with "\"?

Thank you
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