Simple photo improvements: Fotoxx or alternatives?

Eberhard Roloff tuxebi at
Thu May 21 09:00:24 UTC 2009

Dotan Cohen wrote:
>>> Actually, he is now using Digikam to organize his photos (so do I)
>>> however the Digikam editor frustrated him for editing. He is looking
>>> for a very simple touchup utility, not a photo manager.
>> showfoto is the digikam photo editor, available standalone
> Which as I mentioned, the user finds too complicated and does not give
> the results that he needs. Apparently there is some Windows software
> with "buttons" for automatically improving colour, removing noise,
> improving balance, etc. I personally remember BrilliantPhoto on
> Windows having "Fill Flash" which brightened up dark photos in a very
> natural way.
> Is there no such software for *buntu?

I know a very similar windows user type, that is very happy with Google 
Picasa is also available for Linux



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