New guy

Shannon McMackin smcmackin at
Wed May 20 03:07:56 UTC 2009

J Bickhard wrote:
> what good does synaptic do me when i have no internet on that machine?
> On 5/19/09, Brian McKee <brian.mckee at> wrote:
>> On Tue, 2009-05-19 at 20:31 -0500, J Bickhard wrote:
>>> On 5/19/09, Brian McKee <brian.mckee at> wrote:
>>>> On Tue, 2009-05-19 at 17:28 -0500, J Bickhard wrote:
>>>>> Hello! I'm the new guy. I just installed Jackalope on my Pentium III
>>>>> 800Mhz computer, and it works great. However, I was wondering if
>>>>> someone could explain to a Linux/Unix/Ubuntu n00b how to enable the 3d
>>>>> cube and Compiz?
>>>> If your video card is of the same vintage as the rest of your computer,
>>>> it's quite possible you won't be able to do it with that hardware.
>>> No idea, but I think it is opengl-compatible, I can enable the
>>> advanced stuffs, but can't get to the menu with the 3d cube, how do i
>>> get to the 3d cube?
>> OK, you've got a shot then.
>> You need to install  compiz-fusion-plugins-extra.
>> Search for compiz in Synaptic.
>> Brian
How did you install, from DVD?  If so, Synaptic may still have an entry 
for that very same DVD.  Compiz will be there.  Put the DVD in and 
launch Synaptic and then you can install what you need.  If you don't 
have a DVD, you can use your parents machine to download and burn it if 
they'll let you...

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