[OT - window managers - was(Re: jaunty the worst ever)

Thorny thorntreehome at gmail.com
Tue May 19 13:55:50 UTC 2009

On Tue, 19 May 2009 13:42:18 +0200, Amedee Van Gasse (Ubuntu) posted:
> [...]
> Currently I'm using one of the boxes (don't remember which, fluxbox,
> openbox or blackbox, but that doesn't matter) while I'm working on a
> project, because then I get less distracted without all those Gnome
> widgets and toys.
> These lightweight window managers give me a lot of screen real estate,
> although I would'n use them for my normal stuff.
> They don't have a special Ubuntu version like Kubuntu for KDE4 and
> Xubuntu for XFCE, I suppose that there also isn't a dedicated mailing
> list.
> So if I have any questions, where should I ask? Here? Or subscribe to
> Yet Another Mailing List?
> I'm just curious... I have no questions at the moment.

My opinion would be that it could be appropriate to ask here so if anyone
here is using one of them it might be possible to answer your question.
Just don't necessarily expect an answer here as some people might not
think it Ubuntu related. My guess about you Amedee, is that you're going
to be able to find what you need with a search engine, probably not need
to subscribe to several more MLs.

Too bad you didn't mention IceWM, I have some experience with it and might
be able to offer help. Very little experience with the others.

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