Java Runtime Environment

Graham Todd grahamtodd2 at
Tue May 19 13:03:20 UTC 2009

On Mon, 18 May 2009 16:05:05 -0700
Marco Segreto <msegreto at> wrote:

> I've read various places that theres no Java for Linux PowerPC and 
> theres a couple of open projects such as IcedTea or OpenJava or IBM's 
> Java 2.something. What's my best option to install the plugin and 
> install the Java Runtime Environment? Are there any IDE's that would
> be available as well if I wanted to start programming in Java?

There's a page that's for Yellow Dog Linux which gives you instructions
on how to get java running with mozilla on the ppc architecture:

Although it speaks about .rpm, just use alien to create your own .deb
from the .rpm binary, and install.  I haven't tried it but it usually

Once that is working, look at

where you can pick up some extras for use with Java.

Good luck but please, report back your experiences.


Graham Todd

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