jaunty the worst ever

Graham Todd grahamtodd2 at googlemail.com
Mon May 18 12:50:48 UTC 2009

On Mon, 18 May 2009 10:17:16 +0000 (UTC)
marc <gmane at auxbuss.com> wrote:

> > KDE PIM 3.x -> KDE PIM 4.x has been discussed on internet for a long
> > time. The KDE developpment team did not want to care about the
> > comatibility.
> > 
> > They wanted people to migrated by hand their data.  
> In this day and age that's dumb beyond belief. Once you commit to 
> providing migration tools, they are very rarely difficult, often
> trivial, to produce, and are actually extremely usful for migration
> testing.

As I understood the matter, that is not the case.

The developers wanted to get a stable base version of KDE4, then they
could start to migrate KDE3 -> KDE4 data, including KdePIM.

They have now a stable version of KDE4 in KDE4.2.2.  Some would say its
not perfect, but it is at least stable.  This is the version that is in
the Kubuntu Jaunty live disc, and I have to disagree with you that its
"the worst ever" - I found the earlier versions of KDE4 unstable and
unable to read my graphics card.  When we did, they wouldn't connect my
HI-GRADE laptop wirelessly, but all these things have been put right in
KDE 4.2.2.


Graham Todd

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