Vertical Gnome Panels

Brian McKee brian.mckee at
Fri May 15 23:36:45 UTC 2009

On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 6:28 PM, NoOp <glgxg at> wrote:
> On 05/15/2009 11:25 AM, Nickolai Toupikov wrote:
>>> Could you perhaps take a screenshot and post it up somewhere?
>>> (don't send it to the list)
>> here is how it looks now
>> and here's an idea of how it could look (ok it is not perfect, just
>> quickly hacked something together with gimp)
>> my main points are :
>>  - the window list looks broken on a vertical panel - i see no reason
>> for the firefox tile to be higher than it is wide.
>> and if you keep opening windows it continues to behave weirdly, jumping
>> to two columns for no reason, etc.
>>  - there is no way to horizontally align several icons  on the panel
>> (firefox and thunderbird in my first screenshot)
>> Hope this explains my point a bit
> Well I'm confused... if I right click on either top or bottom panel & go
> to properties and then set it for left, the panel behaves nicely at the
> default 28 pixels. The size is the same as I use for when they are at
> bottom or top. The icons remain vertical. Your's on the otherhand are
> huge. Can you not adjust your size via properties?

Me too - my text runs vertically along the bar, not across it - so it
fits much better than his.

I'm not sure how he got to where he is!


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