
Mark Nichols ubuntu at zanshin.net
Fri May 15 15:02:13 UTC 2009

On 05/15/2009 09:56 AM, sg1 wrote:
> Hi
> Moving from director to directory I am using cd ~/name of director the
> terminal is not recognising  the "~" for some reason.'
> sg1 at sg1-desktop:~$ sudo su
> root at sg1-desktop:/home/sg1# cd ~/Desktop
> bash: cd: /root/Desktop: No such file or directory
> root at sg1-desktop:/home/sg1#

In your example you switch to super-user mode by issuing the "sudo" 
command.  Try just cd ~/Desktop to get to *your* Desktop directory. Root 
doesn't have a Desktop directory.

You can change to any directory using cd. You don't need the sudo unless 
you want to run a command that alters in someway the contents of a file 
or directory.


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