
Alexandra Zaharia f0rg3r at gmail.com
Fri May 15 15:01:11 UTC 2009

On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 5:56 PM, sg1 <thedoctor at iinet.net.au> wrote:

> sg1 at sg1-desktop:~$ sudo su
> root at sg1-desktop:/home/sg1# cd ~/Desktop
> bash: cd: /root/Desktop: No such file or directory

sudo su means you become the superuser. No longer the regular "sg1" user.

The general recommendation is to use

$ sudo command-you-need-to-run-with-root-privileges

instead of

$ sudo su
# command-you need-to-run-with-root-privileges

In the terminal, the "$" prompt means you're a regular user, whereas "#"
means you're root.

Now, to answer your question, becoming root with "sudo su" will translate
"~" by /root and not by "/home/sg1", as you'd expect.
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