Assest manager?

charlie derr cderr at
Thu May 14 14:45:55 UTC 2009

stan wrote:
> I manage about 50 systems at work. These systems are spread across a fairly
> large geographic area. We are presently deploying Nagios, and Cricket to
> aid in monitoring these machines.
> It occurs to me that it would be nice to have a central repository for
> things like serial numbers. software versions, hardware configurations etc.
> I would like this system to be we based, so that we could get to it from
> any location. It would also be nice, if there was some automation built
> into this system.
> Is there such an open source program out there?

We're looking at rolling out RT (request tracker) with a plugin/addon called Asset Tracker for this purpose.  The caveat is that I 
haven't got experience yet using it in production, but I am excited as it seems quite useful/extensible/customizeable.   RT is 
mainly written in Perl and seems to be in quite widespread use.

        good luck,

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