'Tone of the list' discussion

marc gmane at auxbuss.com
Wed May 13 22:27:49 UTC 2009

Oliver Grawert said:

> Am Mittwoch, den 13.05.2009, 17:17 +0000 schrieb marc:
>> Oliver Grawert said:
>> > hi,
>> > Am Mittwoch, den 13.05.2009, 14:30 +0000 schrieb marc: ...
>> >> 
>> >> > We need to have it go through until we can agree on a model of
>> >> > moderation of the list that suits the vast majority.
>> >> 
>> >> None. Because it works just fine.
>> > 
>> > it doesnt ... and the mentioned community council agenda items for
>> > the June 16 11:00 UTC and July 7 21:00 UTC meetings still stand. feel
>> > free to attend one of the meetings if you want to veto though.
>> Sure. What are the details? I presume this is a bits not atoms meeting.
> see the "Inappropriate tone ..." thread, i outlined everything there and
> there also was some fruitful discussion on it.

I'm asking, in a civil tone, where the details of this meeting might be 
found. Please don't treat me like a dick and fob me off with a reference 
to another thread, becuase that's political BS of the highest order.

I do object and I want to participate. I want to have my say.

Now, could you please provide the details, or does Ubuntu, and so by 
association Shuttleworth, operate behind closed doors?


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