The future of Ubuntu Linux.... Will it make Micro$oft go bankrupt?

Irving Leonard irving.lp at
Wed May 13 16:55:23 UTC 2009

On Domingo 10 Mayo 2009 10:03:46 AM Jerry Houston escribió:
> On Sunday 10 May 2009 02:41:01 Dotan Cohen wrote:
> > > In all truth, I couldn't imagine having to do my work on a Windows box.
> > >  I'd go nuts.
> >
> > I thought so too, but today most of my complaints are with Windows
> > Explorer (The GUI), not with the underlying OS. Running KDE on Windows
> > will take care of that! And since most of the apps on Linux are
> > available on Windows as well, there is little keeping me on Linux at
> > the moment.
> KDE on Windows has made a good start, but IMHO it's nowhere near ready for
> daily use yet.  The application I would use the most (KMail) hasn't been
> ported yet, as of v4.2.2, some of them (like Nautilus) simply don't work,
> displaying messages like "file system function stopped," or something to
> that effect.  Others are annoyingly slow, even on a fast Windows machine.
I guess they (the devs) have to rewrite every program to run now in kde 4 so 
most of the kde 3 code is useless, if this is right, it is a huge work, it can 
take some time.
> It *is* true that most Mozilla apps are ported to Windows, but I've never
> found Linux contenders for some of the other free Windows apps I use.  For
> example, ImgBurn.  It's been flawless and fast, whereas I've created a lot
> of coasters with my Linux machines.
Sorry but can't help here, I don't know what ImgBurn does. If it 'burns' 
images to disc you can try k3b, nerolinux, brasero, and a lot more.
> And DVDShrink.
dvdshrink = d9copy (KDE) or dvd95 (gnome)
> I've ripped hundreds
> of DVDs to a 1.5 TB disk in my home server, but I've had to do it from a
> Windows machine.
dvdrip (amazing!!) it does dvd to (avi or mpg or 'a lot more')
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