The future of Ubuntu Linux.... Will it make Micky$oft go bankrupt?

marc gmane at
Wed May 13 13:32:30 UTC 2009

H.S. said:

> I am not sure why so may people here keep on assuming that Ekiga is not
> comparable to Skype in features. Perhaps it is time all of you guys went
> to Ekiga web page and took a look.

Just did. I'll give it a spin.

However, I will need an account somewhere to make telco calls and send 
SMS, and it's not clear how that works. I'm certainly not going to accept 
ekiga's default; their web-site is atrocious. Sure I'll work it out, but 
that's a block right there for non-tech folk.

The big issue is what it does to Windows when you install it. If it does 
scary things, then it'll never get accepted by regular folk.


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