The future of Ubuntu Linux.... Will it make Micky$oft go bankrupt?

marc gmane at
Wed May 13 13:53:19 UTC 2009

Dotan Cohen said:

>> I am not sure why so may people here keep on assuming that Ekiga is not
>> comparable to Skype in features. Perhaps it is time all of you guys
>> went to Ekiga web page and took a look.
> I am convinced, and giving it a solid second look.
> I wonder if the name has anything to do with it. Skype sounds like
> "sky", something clear and without limits, clean. Ekiga sounds to me
> like a grunt, excrement, something dirty. Is this cultural? Do others
> perceive it differently?

It's a subconscious leap from thinking, "Crap name!"

Name ideas (ignoring any (TM)s):

- Freephone
- Freecall
- Freesky <- kinda like that one myself ;-)
- OnTheHouse
- GratisConnect
- Unbound
- ClearCall
- Airy
- Unleash
- Liberty <sigh>
- Uncumber <- a literary ref.


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