Missing Linux apps on Windows

marc gmane at auxbuss.com
Tue May 12 21:42:55 UTC 2009

Derek Broughton said:

> Amedee Van Gasse (ubuntu) wrote:
>> Just like there are a few Linux/GNU/Free Software apps for which I have
>> not found Windows-equivalents. For example, grep, sed, awk, vi.
> ...
>> Anyway, *every* Linux distro has them installed by default, but you
>> have to jump trough hoops to get them on Windows.
> I certainly hope not!  No system of mine has ever had a full
> implementation of vi.  Ubuntu installs vim-tiny, and _that's_ too much.
>> Srsly, I cannot imagine how any system administrator could ever survive
>> without grep...
> Nothing I can't do with the search tool in explorer.  I _prefer_ grep,
> but I can manage just fine in Windows.

Tell you what, you'd love the search features in Directory Opus (Windows 
only  unfortunately). Opus is the only tool I miss in Linux. Well, almost.


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