The future of Ubuntu Linux.... Will it make Micro$oft go bankrupt?

Franz Waldmüller waldbauernbub at
Tue May 12 15:02:23 UTC 2009

Ashley Benton schrieb:
> Thanks I will try as yesterday my son try a Ubuntu presentation saved in 
> ppt and when watched on Windows the pictures had disappeared and only 
> the text remained, 
If you inset pictures in impress with drag and drop they are only linked 
into the presentation. Insert-Object-picture is better. Check the 
preferences, too.
When sending presentations use the pdf-export.
I'll try it your way and see how that works. I am
> sure that what is happening is due more to not knowing how to than to 
> open office and any advices are welcome as I'd like to have my sons use 
> Ubuntu more often but don't want them to have trouble at school for it 
> neither.
Try to convince your school to use open standards.

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