Evolution send mail though proxy setting, how to? -- 2.26.1 still doesn't work!

Derek Broughton derek at pointerstop.ca
Tue May 12 13:42:58 UTC 2009

Christopher Chan wrote:

> Could be a generic Gnome thing for all I know. I do not use Evolution.
> You won't find any proxy setting in Thunderbird. Proxy servers caught
> facilitating smtp connections will be firewalled, blocked and placed on
> appropriate black lists.

That's a really poor attitude, and likely to get _your_ servers blacklisted.  
There's nothing inherently wrong with proxying SMTP connections.  
Essentially, that's what we do every time we use a local SMTP as a smarthost 
- and it's how you _avoid_ getting placed on blacklists, by ensuring that 
all your mail gets properly routed.
> Email clients are supposed to connect directly.


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