Installing Programs in Terminal and how to access the irc chat lines.
Franz Waldmüller
waldbauernbub at
Tue May 12 13:55:07 UTC 2009
Dear sg1,
If you have a new question, please start a new thread.
This is what I did for you now.
> Every one keeps on saying that there Grand Mother and six year old
son > can use Ubunta, the problem is that it is easy to install and use
> and surfing the web but when it comes to installing programs is next to
> impossible, I do not mean the add/remove programs, but programs that
> have been independently written, one waste so much time on trying to
> install the programs with out any success like collabcad.
> The instructions said quote "After downloading the file, type the
> following command
> tar xvzf collabcad.tgz
when you open a terminal you have to swtich to the directory to which
you downloaded the file.
If you saved it to the desktop you will have to change the current
working directory to the desktop
type in the terminal:
cd ~/Desktop
then retype you
tar xvzf collabcad.tgz
then you have to enter the collabcad directory and launch the collab
(adjust the commands to your situation - Linux is case sensitve!)
cd ~/Desktop/CollabCAD/
and if the binary of the application is called collabcad type
> This will install CollabCAD on your system by creating the directory
> called ccad.
> Typed in "tar xvzf collabcad.tgz" into terminal window and just error
> messages appeared.
> There is no where on the help menu or web page that tells anyone on > how
> to use the terminal properly to install programs.
> I spent hours trying to use terminal or days to be more honest, all
> these web site tell you how to install these programs but just errors
> occur.
> I went to the Ubunta home page to find out how to use the IRC chat
> channel without any success the help pages just keep going around in
> circles that do not tell you how to install or how to use the > programs.
> I think it is just quicker to go back to XP.
> Thanks Craig
check this link as well:
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