The future of Ubuntu Linux.... Will it make Micky$oft go bankrupt?

anthony baldwin photodharma at
Tue May 12 12:40:27 UTC 2009

Amit Kumar wrote:
>     What does "coming together of Linuxes" mean?
> Oh, related to my earlier mails: I meant a standardization effort for 
> applications on the various Linux flavors, collaboration and putting a 
> united front for proprietary OSes (something like the role EU performs 
> for European nations). See and 
> . These are some new efforts. IMO such efforts 
> would be crucial for boosting Linux. 

There are plenty of standardization efforts and international united 
linux users efforts.
The thing is, we still must have choice, and, thus the diversity(chaos?) 
that the FOSS community experiences will not likely change.
Did we not have so much room for choice, it wouldn't really be FREE, 
now, would it?


art & photos | tony baldwin
Unitarian Universalist art.

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