Network upgrade from Hardy directly to Jaunty

Anthony M. Rasat anthony.rasat at
Mon May 11 17:48:55 UTC 2009

NoOp wrote:
>On 05/11/2009 10:23 AM, Anthony M. Rasat wrote:
>> Have you tried it? Why don't you try it in a VM, it won't break
>> things if it fall apart.
>Is is just me, or does your mail client not know how to keep your
>responses in a single thread? Every reply that you've made starts a new

Sorry it's a blackberry. I'm not sure how to mend it. I did push "Reply" button, not "New mail" button.

Perhaps I'll answer everyone after I got this huge backup ready (it's over 250,000 mail in this Thunderbird, restoring already took an hour).



Anthony M. Rasat
Manager - Technical, Network and Support Division
PT. Jawa Pos National Network
Graha Pena Jawa Pos Group Building, 5th floor
Jln. Raya Kebayoran Lama 12, Jakarta Selatan 12210
Phone 02132185562
Phone 081574217035
Fax 02153651465

***  Hai, saya virus. Tolong contreng saya.  ****

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