The future of Ubuntu Linux.... Will it make Micro$oft go bankrupt?

Amedee Van Gasse (Ubuntu) amedee-ubuntu at
Mon May 11 08:21:56 UTC 2009

On Mon, May 11, 2009 10:06, Christopher Chan wrote:

>> About bankrupcy: I hope that Microsoft will never go bankrupt. That
>> would not be good for the economy and for the software ecology. I
>> believe in a darwinian struggle for software: continuous improval to be
>> better than the competition.
> Ha! Who needs Microsoft? Just looking into the Linux world you get
> plenty of improvements due to competition. You get that just within the
> Linux kernel. You get that in the desktop world. Whether Microsoft
> exists or not, there will be no end to competition. What is really needed
> is some good vision here and there and some good implementors supporting
> those visions. I most certainly hope that Microsoft will go bankrupt thus
> have a major resource sinkhole that does not really put out anything great
> disappear.

Right... that's a very professional attitude.
Tell that to the thousands of Microsoft employees who get laid off because
of the worldwide economical situation. Go ahead, scare them away from
Linux with your attitude.
It's people like you that give Linux a bad name.


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