Cannot install OOo 3.1 from openoffice-pkgs

NoOp glgxg at
Sat May 9 01:25:25 UTC 2009

On 05/08/2009 04:54 PM, Paul S wrote:
> Dotan Cohen said the following on 05/08/2009 02:00 PM:
>> Although the openoffice-pkgs _should_ have 3.1, I do not see it as
>> being available for installation when I enable that repo. Could anyone
>> shed some light? I do see from the PPA page that the l10n packages did
> I had some problems with jaunty's ooo 3.0.1.  Specifically, it would not 
> copy and paste in a spreadsheet I use daily.  So, I removed it and 
> installed the deb binary from ooo site.  It works fine.  Now that 3.1.0 
> is out, I'm glad I already made this swap, because it's already 
> available in binary deb.
> I like the new spreadsheet feature that shows a popup of the formula 
> elements as you enter it into a cell.  Neat improvement.
> So, it's a good alternative to waiting.

The only problem with OOo 3.1 is that it still lacks gstreamer support
for sound & video. So, it's worth testing Chris Cheney's 3.1 PPA for
Ubuntu to see how well it performs. I generally tend to use standard OOo
more often, but it's always nice to use the (U)OOo when you have a
requirement for sound & video in presentations/documents etc.

BTW: you do not need to remove (U)OOo in order to run OOo; they both
will run quite happily side-by-side and even at the same time.

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