Off topic and other offensive posts

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Fri May 8 15:54:47 UTC 2009

Am Freitag, den 08.05.2009, 07:19 -0700 schrieb Leonard Chatagnier:
> Also, please don't lecture me about the code of conduct.  I've seen many regular users violate it ...
and thats a reason to chime in and behave the same ?

> Come on people, grow up and quit trying to be the list police.
i can only state it over and over again, its not about a list police but
about a last resort instance since the original admins dont have any
spare cycles to take care anymore ...

it is about replacing/assisting the current list admins in a way that
the list becomes the friendly place it was years ago again when people
didnt think about answering insults with insults.

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