'Tone of the list' discussion

Gilles Gravier ggravier at fsfe.org
Thu May 7 12:52:14 UTC 2009


Dirk Freitag wrote:
> On May 7, 2009, at 7:26 AM, Cybe R. Wizard wrote:
>> Is there a reason that we cannot just continue to behave like adults
>> and continue to request that others behave like adults, killfiling as
>> needed those who refuse?
>> Are we really so afraid of the goofy actions of a few that we need to
>> cut them off at the ankles?  Can we not stand a little stupidity from
>> time to time?
>> I, for one, believe the list to be  quite friendly compared to some
>> others (hell, most others) and see no reason to install censors.
>> In fact, censorship has already caused me to drop several email lists.
>> If this one becomes censored, I shall drop this one, too.
>> Hey, maybe that's one good reason to censor the list.
> +1
> I agree with you entirely.  We are all capable of acting like adults,  
> so I vote against any kind of censorship.  If we can't handle  
> ourselves in a mature, adult manner then we all have bigger issues.   
> Censoring this list would ruin it.

The thing is that the recent pas *HAS* shown us that we are not *ALL*
capable of acting like adult. Hence Oliver's necessary "kids behave ...
we have to set up some rules" e-mail.

As with all democracy, there needs some rules, some enforcement, and
some control.

In French, we say "la liberte des uns s'arrete la ou commence celle des
autres". Your freedom stops where mine starts. At some point, if too
much freedom is exercised, one runs into somebody that feels you went
too far. :)

I like the idea of a "last resort"... if all other self-control /
self-adjustment mecanisms fail, we need a "pause" button. That may mean
kicking somebody off the list if necessary.


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