Worthy and viable Microsoft exchange alternative for Ubuntu Linux

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Thu May 7 10:22:36 UTC 2009

2009/5/7  <madanabhat27 at gmail.com>:
> Hi folks!
> I was wondering, as you all would have probably figured out by now, my company is planning to migrate to linux and we have already identified quite a few viable alternatives for most of our windows applications and have already started using quite a few of them but one thing that's troubling us to the core is the fact that all of our mail is handled by our Microsoft exchange server and you'll probably know by now that redmond has no intention of releasing exchange any time soon and also that windows server just can't network with linux client so we have migrated our file, print and web servers but because we have done so, we are facing problems getting the exchange server to talk to our other servers and for us, we have a whole lot of critical data that needs to be handled but the fact that all the other clients and servers run linux is making it hard for us to achieve that goal and so I ask, Is there any viable and worthy MS exchange alternatives out there that will run smoothly on ubuntu server and will give us all the functionality and features that microsoft exchange offers but in a linux environment and is 100 %  blackberry compatible and is cost effective?
> Yours,
> Sent from BlackBerry® on Airtel

I have not seen your other posts, but part of the solution depends on
why you are replacing a working system in the first place? What
problems are you having with your current Exchange setup? No other
solution will be 100% compatible so if we know what your gripes about
the current system are, we could recommend and alternative.

Can you link to the blackberry-specific documentation for your current
Exchange server? As you mention that as a critical feature, I would
like to be more familiar with that feature before recommending

Dotan Cohen


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