Inappropriate tone on this mailing list and requirement for governance

Robert Holtzman holtzm at
Wed May 6 17:38:21 UTC 2009

On Wed, 6 May 2009, Oliver Grawert wrote:

> hi,
> Am Mittwoch, den 06.05.2009, 22:04 +1000 schrieb Res:
>> On Wed, 6 May 2009, M. Fioretti wrote:
>>> On Wed, May 06, 2009 08:32:18 AM -0300, Ashley Benton wrote:
>>>> I find it sad that this had to come to this point because some
>>>> people could not behave and nobody seems able to just ignore them
>>> The problem with ignoring such people is that they still scare away
>>> **newcomers**. That's why trolls should be stopped, asap, and the only
>> as do long time list members trying to play net nazi.
>> they do more damage by intimidating newbies then any other.
> why do you poke Godwin's law (once again) here ?
> indeed such a team shouldn't play net police or something, first of all
> they should take people by the hand and help them understand the rules.

Except when you get an individual like MG who refused to be led by the 
hand or any other appendage. The world is filled with people like this.

Bob Holtzman
"If you think you're getting free lunch,
  check the price of the beer"

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