Inappropriate tone on this mailing list and requirement for governance

Nickolai Toupikov nickolai.toupikov at
Wed May 6 11:38:26 UTC 2009

I've been following the list for a couple of months already. and indeed 
the trolling is on the increase. must be some spring hormones playing or 
I even had to get a blacklist to avoid having to skim through dim-witted 
(IMHO) comments.

It should really be dealt with before it gets out of control and kills 
the list.

Just wanted to share an idea :

Gilles Gravier wrote:
> [...]
> One problem is that list moderation is resource intensive if you want
> systematic pre-approval of messages posted.
> [...]
how about creating something like a report at address 
where users could submit posts deemed inappropriate.
After n submissions the user would get an automated warning. After n+k 
he would be submitted to moderators for appropriate measures to be taken.
This should save a decent amount of resources for the moderators IMHO.


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