HD Video in Linux Ubuntu 9.04

Ioannis Vranos ivranos at freemail.gr
Tue May 5 21:50:50 UTC 2009

Alex Berber wrote:
> Ioannis Vranos wrote:
>> Give also Xine a try. What exactly is the problem? If it is DVD decoding, try installing libdvdcss from 
>> medibuntu repository, by following their instructions, like, "it is your legal responsibility to make sure 
>> that the software you are installing can be legally used in your country and for your intended purpose".
>> Medibuntu is an interesting repository, because it also provides google earth etc.
>> http://www.medibuntu.org
> Hello,
> before this I have installed codecs with command:
> # sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras
> I forgot about libdvdcss2 package. But I have already installed it and 
> Xine too.

Medibuntu codecs are not included in the Ubuntu default repositories.

Medibuntu repository is supplemental to the Ubuntu repositories (including "partner"), and the packages it 
provides do not overlap with any package of the other repositories.

Thus, libdvdcss2 is not included in ubuntu-resticted-extras.

> And I tried to watch HD movies but libdvdcss2 package and Xine did't 
> help me.
> The problem is : video slows down and suspends all the time and it 
> does't synchronize with audio.
> Somebody have any ideas ?? cause it strange why on the Windows XP it 
> work but on the Linux no.

Try also to install the package non-free-codecs from Medibuntu, if you are permitted to do so.

Did you perform a clean install of Ubuntu 9.04, or you upgraded via synaptic?

Ioannis A. Vranos

C95 / C++03 Developer


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