ubuntu jaunty seized up

prad prad at towardsfreedom.com
Mon May 4 17:41:56 UTC 2009

On Mon, 4 May 2009 12:16:37 -0400
Brian McKee <brian.mckee at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'd be guessing overheating or poor power supply (your hardware or the
> wall, could be either)
i don't think so because then i'd have had more frequent crashes. the
system actually runs very well despite having only 512M.

> Have you cleaned the dust bunnies out of the case lately?
yes. just a couple of weeks ago when i switched from freebsd to debian.
ubuntu has been on since last friday.

>  Are all
> your fans spinning like they should be?
all except 1. there is nvidia graphics card whose fan fell apart. it's
been working without a fan for about half-a-year though. there haven't
been any crashes on freebsd or debian though the latter has experienced
slowdowns. never a problem on freebsd, but i ran with the minimal dwm
there. ubuntu has been running faster and better than debian, which
came as total surprise to me.

i've been reading about swappiness here:
possibly this is something to experiment with, though in a few days
i'll have 2G ram coming my way and then another 2G in a few weeks, so i
doubt if the swap will be used much.

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