OT: Not racest

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at gmail.com
Mon May 4 01:17:39 UTC 2009

    I am an American. Most of you are not. In America the average person 
looks like what? They may be Brown or Black or Yellow or White like me. 
In the State of New Mexico a large number of Brown people were here when 
it was made a state. I married a Brown person 50 years ago. Our kids are 
White and Brown. Our maid is Brown. Our yard men are Black.

    I have not liked the French country for a long time. They did not 
fight well and waited for another country to save them. I do have 
French-American friends who also dislike France as a country. It is that 

I do not hate any race. I dislike some people who are so ignorant that 
they can't tell the differance between a person and a country.

    We support groups that help people with money every year. We can do 
this because I was a successful business man during my working years. I 
was color-blind to people applying for work. I was not interested in 
there color, I was interested in where they went to school. I had at 
least one Black, Yellow, Brown and White working for my company and they 
learned fast the color was not important.

    So do not call me racest. I can prove otherwise.


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