Update Manager in 9.04

Roy Smith rasmith1959 at gmail.com
Fri May 1 04:47:14 UTC 2009

Robert Holtzman wrote:
> On Thu, 30 Apr 2009, Vincent Trouilliez wrote:
>> On Thu, 30 Apr 2009 07:42:21 -0500
>> Roy Smith <rasmith1959 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I had this same message appear in my inbox, it wasn't addressed to the
>>> mailing list but to my email address.
>> Same here.. I assumed it was spam...
>>>  It's been a while since I took
>>> French in the 10th grade (1975), but if I remember correctly it says
>>> something about being out of the office...
>> Native here, yes, it's indeed an out of office notice, you have just
>> passed your exam ;-)
> The question now becomes how did he get individual email addresses?

Well if you can see your message headers you'll see that your name and
email address is in the from line, and the mailing list address is in
the reply-to line.  So normally when you click on reply, the message
would go to the reply-to address.  Obviously this turkey's email client
ignores the reply-to line and uses the address in the from line.  One
thing I have noticed is that each one of these out of office notices
I've received from this bozo has been to a message that I've replied to
in the mailing list, so I'll probably get another one for this post... 
I do hope this moron is back soon so that he can turn that damn thing

You know I just thought of something...  Just think of the mess it would
make if it did send messages back to the reply-to line.... 


Roy Smith
Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope
Registered Linux User #488144
Registered Ubuntu User #26841

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