Don't buy HP computers

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Tue Mar 31 12:03:37 UTC 2009

>    I have a Presidio CQ50 laptop from HP. I did the necessary moving of
> partitions around so I could load Ubuntu. I have 8.11 and 9.04Beta
> installed and running quite well. A problem occurred that kept WiFi from
> working. The problem is that the wifi hardware is turned off by Vista
> when you stop it.
>    Contacted HP both by email and on a live chat devise. Both ended
> with statements that Linux has not been tested on this computer and is
> therefore not approved by HP.
>    What they were saying is the computer they find the information from
> has nothing in it about Linux. There is no Linux drivers available.
>    So don't buy HP laptops if you want to use Ubuntu.
> Karl

My experience in installing Ubuntu / Fedora on HPs is no different
than any other machine. What wifi chipset has the laptop?

Dotan Cohen

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