Trying to DUMP Windows.... But

Dave Woyciesjes woyciesjes at
Thu Mar 26 21:53:20 UTC 2009

(Fixed posting order, to bottom-posting style...)

Justin wrote:
>> 2009/3/26 Richard <rick0009 at <mailto:rick0009 at>>
>>     On 3/26/2009 2:38 PM, Derek Broughton wrote:
>>>     NoOp wrote:
>>>>     On 03/26/2009 10:40 AM, Richard wrote:
>>>>>     Been watching Linux for the past few years, and have wonder "if" its
>>>>>     ready to replace my Vista Desktop.
>>>>>     There are a few factors, that would need to be address, before I can
>>>>>     change my Desktop OS.
>>>>     "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions"
>>>>     <ubuntu-users at> <mailto:ubuntu-users at>
>>>     Gimme a break.  He's asking for specific recommendations for software that
>>>     can do what he wants.  Beats me, because I don't do _any_ of those things,
>>>     to any great extent, but where else to ask if Ubuntu can do it?
>>     Thanks Derek,
>>     Thats why I ask... BEFORE, I did anything..
>>     Thanks!
>>     Richard
 > Dear Richard,
 > Don't be a dick.
 > Sincerely,
 > Ubuntu Users List
 > P.S. - Really, read what you've written. It's aggressive and
 > confrontational. Everybody here has been exceptionally nice and
 > helpful.

Justin -
	Actually, he wasn't being a dick, nor confrontational. He just asked 
some well thought out detailed questions.

	Your message is the one that was confrontational, and you were the one 
being a dick.

	Oh, and your last sentence need correction.. "Everybody" would not be 
the right word to use, considering your reply.

--- Dave Woyciesjes
--- ICQ# 905818
--- AIM - woyciesjes
--- CompTIA A+ Certified IT Tech -
--- HDI Certified Support Center Analyst -

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 From here to there,
Funny things
are everywhere."
--- Dr. Seuss

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