Loading programs from Synaptic

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Sun Mar 22 17:23:21 UTC 2009

On 03/22/2009 04:24 AM, Karl F. Larsen wrote:
> Ronny Julian wrote:
>> I've tried installing several Amateur radio programs with the Package 
>> manager.  Should they be showing up in the Amateur radio section of the 
>> Applications menu or am I missing something.
>> Thanks for the help!
>> Ronny K4RJJ
>     Alas Ronny they sometimes do not show up at all. I have to call them 
> from a bash file in a terminal. Here is what starts my current Ham 
> digital stuff:
> karl at karl-hardy:~/bin$ more psk
> # This starts Fldigi
> #
> fldigi   &
> xlog     &
> #
>     I use fldigi and xlog. The fldigi writes to the Xlog and keeps a log 
> of contacts.
> Karl

Add the Debian menu (see my other post in this thread) & fldigi and xlog
will show up there (Applications|Debian|Applications|Amateur Radio) as
menu items. Note: I've just installed both to check - they do. I don't
use the programs so can't verify beyond that.

73's from a member of the _original_ AB8AN (Vietnam Army MARS 1971-72
before it was reassigned for general amateur use).

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