Ubunto 8.10 and AVG 7.5.51
Lucio M Nicolosi
lmnicolosi at gmail.com
Fri Mar 20 21:19:22 UTC 2009
On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 4:03 PM, Bart Silverstrim
<bsilver at chrononomicon.com> wrote:
> NoOp wrote:
>> On 03/20/2009 10:45 AM, Dotan Cohen wrote:
>>>> (non-AV-isn't needed on linux folks)
>>> I'm sorry that it came out like that.
>>> I have moved over 20 people from Windows XP / Vista to Fedora and
>>> Kubuntu. About half wanted antivirus installed. While I do believe
>>> that there is a place for antivirus software in Linux, a home user
>>> using it to protect his system from malware is not the place.
>>> Currently, there is no malware (in the sense that Windows users use
>>> the term) for Linux desktops. That _will_ change. But when that day
>>> comes the types of antivirus currently available for Linux will not
>>> protect against it.
>>> If the OP is configuring a mailserver, then by all means install
>>> antivirus. It would be irresponsible not to.
>> JFC on a pogo stick! When will folks realize that there *IS* a good
>> reason for some people to install an AV on a linux system in certain
>> environments. Further, when will people on this list stop the "you don't
>> need an AV" when someone/anyone asks a question about the installation
>> of an AV program. You/we have no idea what the OP's reason is to wishing
>> to install AVG, nor should we care; the OP ask a question regarding an
>> installation, he/she didn't ask anyone's opinion whether it is
>> necessary. Here, let me repeat the OP's entire post:
> <cut>
> Because they shouldn't stress over it if they are holding a mistaken
> belief, or one that isn't a huge worry for them?
> And I for one didn't say he shouldn't have one or couldn't have one,
> just that there are times where it is used on Linux (like mail servers,
> clamav in particular) and times where it's not as helpful. He then
> followed up asking about what kind is recommended, I said Clamav on mail
> servers (I believe he's setting up an FTP server, if you're saying we
> don't know why he wants it) and for on-access instead of on-demand use
> I've heard good things about f-prot and AVG on Windows, and use AVG for
> Windows myself.
> But I don't want to perpetuate the belief that
> A) AV are essential on Linux
> B) An AV product is a cure-all or armor. It's a band aid. And they can
> cause problems, as I've had to fight with various packages on different
> systems over the past many years.
> So don't be surprised if someone tells them they can calm down a bit
> when it comes to using AV on this platform...they don't need to stress
> over like certain other platforms do. If they want it that's their
> choice, if they are using it in the appropriate context..mail server,
> file server...then here's a couple pennies of info to consider.
>> Now *please* get off the harping on whether a user (home or otherwise)
>> should, or should not use an AV (or any other program) on *their*
>> system! They are free to use whatever the hell *they* decide to
>> install/use on *their* system.
> ...not to mention there are ALTERNATIVE things he may not have thought
> of, such as if running a mail server (I believe that's not his intention
> according to followups) stripping all executables out of email, large
> attachments, and sanitizing contents. Oddly enough malware doesn't seem
> to survive email when those are stuck in the mix, along with clamAV if
> you want to stop phishing attempts as well. For all we know he used AVG
> on Windows and looked there first for Linux, when ClamAV has a huge
> reputation on the Linux platform and little if any exposure on Windows.
> Are you saying there's a problem with pointing out alternatives or
> possibilities not considered? I don't personally really care what AV he
> runs or if he wants to spend time getting it running. I just thought I'd
> give what info I did have in case he would get another perspective from it.
> --
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I'd like to post again a link provided by Robert Parker in the thread
"And another Ubuntu convert!" Jan, 22 2009. I think it is a must
reading for anyone considering anti-virus software.
Lucio M Nicolosi, Eng. - Sao Paulo - Brazil
skype: lmnicolosi1
Lat.: 23°34'4.79"S - Long.: 46°39'59.53"W
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