Ubunto 8.10 and AVG 7.5.51

Ray Leventhal ubuntu at swhi.net
Fri Mar 20 18:13:54 UTC 2009

[huge snip]
> That's really interesting.  So what would be the best Linux AV?
> --
> Dirk Freitag
> Linux Registered User Number 487244          [http://counter.li.org/]

For reasons already posted by others, I do run AV on my desktop Linux 
machines.  On my servers, ClamAV and MailScanner combo works well.

As for the desktops, I've found avast! to be not only free, but quite 
good.  I especially like the fact that they provide .deb packages which 
allow me to keep my installed packages manageable :)

...and yes, I use avast! on any M$ machines I come across without sound 


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