[OT] Re: imap problems

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 19 18:41:03 UTC 2009

Stephen wrote:
> Karl F. Larsen wrote:
>> Chris G wrote:
>>> On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 06:49:21PM -0600, Karl Larsen wrote:
>>>> On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 6:40 PM, Ernst Doubt 
>>>> <calloquillick at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>     2009/3/18 Karl Larsen <klarsen1 at gmail.com>:
>>>>     >    I have been using imap to my Thunderbird for some time but 
>>>> today
>>>>     someone
>>>>     > from this list has helped me out by ruining imap for me. I do 
>>>> not know
>>>>     how
>>>>     > they did it and I can't seem to fix it.
>>>>     >
>>>>     > Karl
>>>>     >
>>>>     /me waves hand
>>>>     I did it!
>>>>     (sorry, I just couldn't resist)
>>>> Well you could but you didn't so we all get to see what an ass YOU 
>>>> are.
>>> I think there was an underlying message you have missed.  Without any
>>> clue as to what is wrong with IMAP on your system there is very little
>>> we can do to help you.
>>> If you mean that following some advice given to you by someone on
>>> this list about IMAP has broken something then please tell us what you
>>> did and what has gone wrong.  Then we might be able to help.
>>     Well what is happening is Thunderbird can not get anything from 
>> imap. It tries and after a few minutes Thunderbird puts up a panel 
>> explaining it cannot load a message from gmail.
>>     It has been working fine for months so it is a change made 
>> somehow by some one.
>> Karl
> I had the same problem with one of the groups I was getting with lots 
> of pictures in it. One of the email messages on the server was 
> corrupt, and Thunderbird kept giving me that message. I went online 
> and deleted all my messages from the server and then Thunderbird 
> stared to receive all the messages OK.
> Stephen Oulton.
    Well my problem, after the fact was that imap died on Google Gmail 
around noon yesterday. I kept getting long delays and then a panel 
saying cannot reach imap. As a stupid ass I went looking for what I did 

    I screwed up Thunderbird and it helped nothing. I wound up reading 
mail on the Gmail mail server. Not bad but sure not as nice as imap. 
This morning I got help that made this Thunderbird set up properly and 
after a couple of password setup's it started to work again like it had 
never stopped. It was shocking to me :-)

    Now I will relax the next time imap dies and just wait until a 
Google person notices and fixes the problem.



	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
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