OT: Monkey Bash on the Megatouch.

Dave Woyciesjes woyciesjes at sbcglobal.net
Thu Mar 19 12:53:12 UTC 2009

	I was out at the bar last night, and saw the Megatouch game unit 
rebooting, it uses Linux :)

	Anyway, there is a game on there called Monkey Bash.

	Anyone know if the game can be had for Linux PCs, or even Mac or 
Windows? It's for sale for iPhone & iPod Touch...

--- Dave Woyciesjes
--- ICQ# 905818
--- AIM - woyciesjes
--- CompTIA A+ Certified IT Tech - http://certification.comptia.org/
--- HDI Certified Support Center Analyst - http://www.ThinkHDI.com/

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 From here to there,
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