Mail Notification not working with Gmail IMAP

David M. Karr davidmichaelkarr at
Tue Mar 17 15:04:22 UTC 2009

Ubuntu 8.10.

I had Mail Authentication with my GMail account working with POP, but 
after I switched to IMAP, I realized that it wasn't working anymore.  I 
get unread notes in my inbox, and the icon doesn't appear.

When I bring up "mail-notification -p" (is there any way to get this 
from the GUI?), I see the following:

Mailbox type: IMAP
username: davidmichaelkarr
password: ****
IMAP Mailbox: Inbox
Connection Type: Standard (not SSL)
Port: 143
Auth Mechanism: Autodetect
Use IDLE: Autodetect
Mailbox name: Default
Delay: 30 seconds

I googled for this problem, and some people said to check the following:

% --get /apps/mail-notification/display-seen-mail
% --get /apps/mail-notification/fallback-charsets

Is there anything else I should be checking?

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