Python error interpretation

Hal Burgiss hal at
Sun Mar 15 13:52:40 UTC 2009

On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 11:27:06PM -0700, Ray Parrish wrote:
> I do not understand this fascination with attempting to install things 
> from the command line, when there is the excellent Synaptic Package 
> Manager available right there on your menu, which can easily circumvent 
> the problems you're currently having with your python installation.


Well, I am not where the server is, so command line is *much* easier
and faster than running X remote across the internet (which I have
done in a previous incarnation). The system is in a datacenter, with
no monitor, mouse or keyboard attached. 

Secondly, any GUI adds a layer of complexity wrapping the basic
functionality of the underlying system components, which sometimes
introduce the potential for bugs or unwanted "features". 

I've run all this through 'strace' to see if I can see just where
things are breaking, but no joy there either, which is the kind of
thing that can be done command line and not GUI. Not that it helped me
this time.

If it were a local system, I'd be happy to try anything at this point
though. Any port in a storm. The error messages certainly aren't
helping me at all. Thanks.


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