Half OT/ How to remove a virus on windows using Ubuntu

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at chrononomicon.com
Sat Mar 14 16:32:52 UTC 2009

Ashley Benton wrote:

> Thanks that was my next question and yes I already copied all the hard drive
> on Ubuntu because I think my knowledge of Windows is next to 0 and I am sure
> I will make a few mistakes. No No firewall or anything just no internet
> connection to this computer for now. If I can reinstall the system I'll put
> an anti virus before to put it back on internet or give it back to my
> neighbor.

Won't be helpful unless you download all the updates separately. If you 
have a "naked" connection to the Internet and expose it to that 
connection even long enough to get Windows Updates for patches or 
antivirus updates, it takes even five minutes or less to get hit with an 
automated probe.

On the other hand home connections behind more SOHO routers are natted, 
so you're "kind of" firewalled in that if you're behind them you aren't 
directly exposed (which you'd have if your machine(s) have an address 
with 192.168.x.x or 10.46.x.x.

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