Plasma starting crashing on launch

Alain Muls alain.muls at
Wed Mar 11 10:30:45 UTC 2009

On Wednesday 11 March 2009 11:14:53 ubuntu-users-request at 
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> In the last 24 hours something happened to my 8.10 system running kde
> 4.2.1. Whenever I login I get an error that plasma has crashed. All I see
> is a blank desktop. I can run apps from krunner, but no panels, cashews,
> plasmoids or right-clicking.
> Backtrace shows nothing. Replacing ~/.kde doesn't help. Logging in as a
> different user doesn't help
> Has anyone else experienced this? Is it due to a rogue package upgrade?
> Any thoughts on fixing other than reinstalling 8.10?

I reported this problem on the list, but up to now, I do not have _the_ 

What I do is press alt-F2 and enter konsole. At the konsole I type plasma and 
I get access to my desktop.

I hope that soon this will be resolved.


Alain MULS                                 alain.muls at
CISS-GENA                                           +32.2.7426340
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1000 BRUSSELS - Belgium
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